Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
There is something change in all my lovely server.
Two years ago... I make them alive with the IP Address bla.bla.bla.bla... yess...something like We already know about this. This IP was using in every network device, in classroom at school, campus, even in every training we did. And we called them IP version 4 (IPv4)
Today... I'm really surprise
when I type ifconfig (like usually to see the IP Addr. configuration), I found something new.. All my server have using IP version 6 (IPv6 ... the next generation of IP Address). All my buddy was make their own update with the new IP Address. I never told them to do that... but they do with their own way !!! they going wild !!!
here some of the list...
[root@ular ~]# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:14:4F:29:E7:AC
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::214:4fff:fe29:e7ac/64 Scope:Link
I still remember what my friend told me... he said "hey bro....u must prepare for the revolution, revolution in our world, the time when we must leave the IPv4 and start with the IPv6. For me... I'm little bit affraid about this , with IPv4 that using 32 bit still make people confuse...what about this... 128 bit !!!"
so.. What about you ??? all member of this community.. are u ready ???
If there is time and I'm not going busy. I`d like to give a short course about IPv6. Maybe for all the class we have. I'm not really good in IPv6. The expert said if this IP have a lot of feature. Right know..... the only things I know just to write down the IP or make translation from IPv4.
Some feature that makes me surprise is "this IP could use every time and every place". All we know... if we come to the new network, we must assign the new IP address that match with the network. For example.. if we joining the network we must assign If we move to other network, example we must change the to
With the IPv6... just need "one" IP Address to use in every network in the world... wow...a big revolution... and I'm really sure if there is a people can not follow the revolution. They will become an old people (young people with old knowledge)... people with garbage knowledge (I called udzur knowledge)
So... what about after Lebaran ? If u want... I can give... If u do not want...Its OK... not a big problem. I could use this IP to make make jack pot... or just to make my self satisfy
Best Regards ...